Xudeus e Xudaizantes na historia de Galicia
The Arab occupation of the 8th century lasted 25 years in Galicia. There was then immigration from Al-Andalus to the Kingdom of Galicia during the centuries of the Reconquista.
Centuries X-XXI
This Muslim influence cannot be compared to the uninterrupted presence of a Jewish minority over eight hundred years, at least between the 10th and 18th centuries, publicly during the Middle Ages, more or less clandestine during the Modern Age. Jews, generally born in Galicia, but also Galicians by adoption in search of refuge, fleeing from Arab persecutions (12th-13th centuries) or Portuguese inquisitors (since the late 16th century).
The main objective of this exhibition is to recover the history of the Jews in Galicia as a living memory, to learn more about ourselves, to learn more about a centuries-old experience of coexistence frustrated by the modern state and the Inquisition. The tolerance between Jews and Christians in medieval Galicia as a distinguishing factor of the history of the Galician people has an egalitarian, democratic, and multicultural value that needs to be remembered in the present and reclaimed in the future.