In Ribadavia

Visits for all tastes

History, wine, nature. In Ribadavia everything is concentrated in high

Take advantage of our wide range of visits to make the most of
all that this town offers.



Castelo de Ribadavia

It’s a must-see. To visit the fortress of Ribadavia, its history and the remains found inside.

Oficina de Turismo
988 471 275
3,5 € <16 gratis/free (con adulto)
10h–14h30 / 17h–20h
10h30 – 14h30*

Centro de Información Xudía de Galicia

Learn about the history of the Hebrew people in Galicia, their customs, their relations with Christians, their distribution, places of residence, their disagreements or flight.

Oficina de Turismo
988 471 275
3,5 € <16 gratis/free (con adulto)
10h–14h30 / 17h–20h
10h30 – 14h30*

Museo do Viño de Galicia

Its purpose is to recover, document, preserve and disseminate Galicia’s wine-growing heritage for the awareness, learning and enjoyment of citizens.

Santo André de Camporredondo
988 783 075

Museo Etnolóxico

A place where you can get to know the way of life of the people of Galicia and their traditions, with a space dedicated to wine.

Pazo dos Baamonde
988 471 843

Barrio Xudío

We will taste traditional Hebrew pastries, travel back in time in the Jewish Information Center of Galicia and walk where the Jews left their mark.

Reserva con antelación.

Sujeto a disponibilidad.

675 558 545
10€ – 1h 30

Ribadavia cos sentidos

An amazing stone spectacle. Guided visit to pazos, churches and monuments of the historical complex: seeing, feeling, touching, listening…

Reserva con antelación.

Sujeto a disponibilidad.

675 558 545
10€ – 1h 30

Cóntame Ribadavia

Hand in hand with the troubadour Pero Meogo you will know the history and the secret corners of Ribadavia in a pleasant and amusing way.

Oficina de Turismo
988 471 275
3€ – 1h.

Desde Rippaaviae a Ribadavia

Discover the most surprising places and stories hidden in the capital of ORibeiro on a guided tour.

Reserva con antelación.

Sujeto a disponibilidad.

693 652 909
Desde 5€ – 2h

Ribadavia Serfardí

Discover the Jewish quarter of Ribadavia with a local guide. Learn about the secrets of the village, its wine-making tradition, its Hebrew pastry and let yourself be carried away by its corners.

Oficina de Turismo

604 005 631
Desde 5€ – 2h

“O bosque encantado”

Guided educational itinerary of 4 km. that runs through various habitats of great interest.

Reserva con antelación.

988 480 062
2h 30



0 h.

Approximate time


Places visited


In Ribadavia

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